Thursday, March 4, 2010

Introducing......Snip-Its from Soberg!

I've decided to release a monthly Newsletter for the public's reading enjoyment! Topics such as cooking, fitness, family matters, kids, home projects and much more will be shared! What YOU have to say matters a bunch! So, don't be shy! Send topic ideas, recipes, comments and questions to But BEWARE! Your ideas may be published in the next newsletter (with your permission, of course!)

Sample a Snip-It:

Get To Steppin!
Let's face it! Working out is a dread for most least I think so! The thought of having to get out of bed an hour earlier to sweat your butt off is a lot easier said than done. Even the thought of working out AFTER work is too much to take in! I mean, isn't 8 hours of work enough? Here's a thought that may help you out: Take a walk! Getting in 10,000 steps a day will make a WORLD of difference in your over-all health! Not only will you get that blood flowing, but you'll be getting your dose of Vitamin D from the lovely sunshine AND you'll be burning off that cheeseburger you had for lunch! No excuses! Bring the kids along! Bring the dogs!......HECK, if you're one of those crazy cat-lovin people, bring your cat! Just GET TO STEPPIN! I like to walk after dinner. It's a good way to wind down and take some time for myself. Occcasionally my husband will join me, but for the most part, I use my walk as a form of meditation to 'get away'.....So, tonight, when you throw on your sweats and head for the couch, tell yourself this: Relaxation is much more enjoyable when I don't have to feel guilty about it! Walk away that guilt and do something good for yourself!

If you'd like to subscribe to my monthly newsletter, feel free to do so by shooting me an email at Please, visit our website to find out who the heck we are! We're not your ordinary window company! Thanks for reading....and until the next blog....goodbye!

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